Origami Water Bomb

More a slap than a bang

  • folded from a square piece of paper
  • used to leave these scattered around high school
  • Thirdly, a concise point
  • If you are interested in purchasing please contact me

Origami Water Bomb

Or how I caused trouble in high school

When I was in high school or at least my last two years of high school, I was fed up, didn’t feel like I was making any progress, so I started entertaining myself in classes by making origami models. The thing is the only one I had actually memorised from my older brothers book was for a “water bomb”.

They wouldn’t that effective for holding water, as generally filling them from a tap, water would spill all over them as the hole was so small.  they would just end up soggy.

So what I did instead was make them to all different sizes and colours, and with any paper I could get my hands on, even tiny little ones smaller than a centimetre cube that I built with the assistance of a pair of compasses. I would then hide them with my co-conspirators in classrooms to be discovered when we weren’t there.

No one ever questioned me about it, and having worked in education I can only imagine that they weren’t bothered as at the end of the day a lot of stuff just gets swept into the bin.

This water bomb is drawn on A4 Cartridge Paper and drawn in pencil crayon.





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